Comfort for the Grieving

Making a Difference Starts Here

The mission of The Cardinal Home is to provide temporary compassionate homelike lodging and support free of charge. Aimed towards individuals and families with loved ones in hospice.

About us

Key Goal:

To obtain a property for The Cardinal Home in Bartlesville/Dewey area near hospice care. This would enable us to house key family members of those in hospice as an alternative to hotels.

Our Purpose:

To create a nurturing environment where individuals can spend quality time with their loved ones during this journey. To offer them a sense of peace and comfort so they can focus on what matters most.

My Story

I believe we all experience things in life for a reason. There is always a lesson to be learned or a greater purpose to fulfill, a destiny. This is my personal story.

August 3, 2020 I got the worst news any parent could receive. My 21 year old son Zac, had been in an accident at Lake Eufaula. Unfortunately, this drowning accident ended his precious young life and started his loved ones down a long and arduous path. This forever changes a parent on so many levels I cannot begin to describe. Loss brings deep emptiness but also a fullness of love. A lack of motivation to go on, yet a deep desire to do so in order to help others. Yes, many paradoxes. I knew after losing Zac I wanted to do something positive to honor his time on earth. However, that was during the very isolating time of Covid, and I had no idea what that would look like. 

Fast forward a few years, I witnessed a loved one passing away at a local hospice home. The care and dignity he received there was second to none. However, upon further inquiry, I realized that many families needed to stay in area hotels. (As the hospice not only served locally but also the Oklahoma and Kansas area.) Having experienced loss, I know first hand that with hotels come tourists and business travelers, not the best environment for emotionally exhausted people. In addition, there are financial stresses that accompany an extended hotel stay. At that moment there was such clarity. I knew I was called to assist and console others during their difficult times. I want to provide complimentary lodging and services to those who have terminally ill loved ones in hospice. This began my vision of my nonprofit organization which I named The Cardinal Home. The name represents a common belief that cardinals appear after the loss of a loved one.

I would be honored to serve my community and humbled beyond words for your support.

Thank you for your kindness and prayers. Thank you also, for the opportunity to bring beauty from ashes. – Tanya Horton & Family

Zachary Marshall Horton 3-11-1999 to 8-3-2020

How to Help

Spread the word. Talk about this with your family, friends, and others in the community.

Our immediate need is monetary donations.

As the project progresses, donations of supplies and volunteer time will be welcome.

There will be future opportunities for fundraisers and prizes to be given away or auctioned at fundraising events.

Last but not least, prayers for Gods Will and blessings on this endeavor.

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